1100 km en bus, ça uuuse, ça uuuse ! Bah ouais hey, 14 heures assis sur un siège difficilement réglable, être réveillé toutes les 3 heures par le chauffeur de bus parce que c'est obligé par la loi (si tu arrives à dormir), je suis désolé mais c'est extrêmement fatiguant. Mais il nous en fallait bien plus, à moi et à mon compagnon de voyage (coucou David !), pour nous décourager : on a tenu toute la 1ère journée du Miss The Stars Fest OKLM, on a tenu debout jusqu'à 3h du mat', et le lendemain, c'était debout 10H pour marcher jusqu'au Goodies le plus proche pour le déjeuner, et ensuite se rendre chez Bis Aufs Messer. Un marathon diront certain.e.s, moi je te dirais juste : YOLO. We sleep when we're dead yo, il fallait profiter un max du temps qu'on avait, et on l'a fait. Avec quelques nouveaux disques et l'estomac bien rempli, nous voila ainsi prêt pour vivre la 2ème journée du fest, qui a commencé par le concert de They Sleep We Live, dont je n'ai pu voir que le dernier morceau. Ces messieurs remettent au goût du jour un screamo quelque peu old school, avec un cri rauque plus orienté crust, entre passages instrumentaux mélancoliques et explosions lentes mais intenses. Leur seul release disponible à ce jour s'appelle "And the curtains falls...", un titre qui figure sur un 7" split avec Vi Som Alskade Varandra Sa Mycket. Le peu que j'ai entendu de la bande m'a cependant envie d'en entendre davantage, eux aussi seront à surveiller de près !
Les messieurs qui ont succédé au jeune groupe allemand se sont discrètement mais assurément fait un nom dans leur scène, et nous viennent de Belgique. Ce pays à qui l'on doit Isaiah, Amen Ra, The Black Heart Rebellion... On va désormais le remercier pour Mont-Doré. Le quintet s'amuse à construire et déconstruire des univers musicaux, à tracer des chemins cassants, rugueux, à nous surprendre, à ne jamais faire dans la dentelle. Et surtout, ils s'appliquent à rendre leur musique toujours plus personnelle et introspective. Leurs concerts et leur musique ne font qu'un, mêlant habilement visuels et sons. Nous noyant entre un rouge clair et un noir profond, le groupe nous a interprété quelques titres de son écrasant nouvel album, Fractures, mélangeant habilement screamo, neo-crust, post-hardcore allant aussi bien piocher chez Helmet que chez Botch, et même quelques accents black metal. Un melting-pot des ténèbres envoûtant, et même éprouvant, appuyé par ces couleurs aussi captivantes qu'oppressantes. Le frontman de la bande se pliait littéralement en 4 pour nous raconter ses paroles, s'approchant le plus possible du public, hurlant à s'en arracher les cordes vocales, se retrouvant les genoux à terre. Une prestation qui nous a directement mis dans le vif du sujet, un gros parpaing dans la tronche auquel We Had A Deal avait la lourde tâche de succéder. Le trio allemand n'est pas né de la dernière pluie, et sait faire bouger les foules avec son hardcore mélodique teinté de screamo, nourri par quelques samples. Leur frontman est assez impressionnant dans sa manière de fixer le public (ou de fixer le vide, on ne sait pas), mais se démène lui aussi pour assurer le spectacle, dans un enthousiasme certain, allant de pair avec la musique axé "combat et esprit posi" de la musique de son groupe, sommes toutes assez classique mais pêchue et efficace. de quoi nous garantir de garder la forme, bien qu'un passage aux stands de nourriture (utiliser le terme "bouffe" serait clairement vulgariser les denrées qu'on nous proposait) était quand même nécessaire... Ce qui nous a malheureusement valu de louper le dernier show européen de Careless... Il fallait malheureusement faire un choix, et nous ne voulions rien rater de la suite de la soirée.
Car le meilleur restait encore à venir : Crows-An-Wra. AAAAAH, J'AI VU CROWS-AN-WRA ET C’ÉTAIT TROP BIEN. Sérieusement, Kalopsia était presque le meilleur album de 2014, cet espèce de screamo progressif venu de l'espace avec toute la folie vocale du chanteur noyée sous des tonnes de réverb' et le skill deluxe du guitariste Gregory Milne de feu-Crocus/Ravachol (un pote a d'ailleurs eu une exclu concernant Ravachol après le concert de Crows-An-Wra mais chut, je les laisse faire le boulot :D), ces rythmiques ultra-dansantes et cassantes à la fois, ce petit quelque chose à la At The Drive-In, ça existe nulle part ailleurs, c'est dément ! Et ils ont correctement tenu leur rang, les bougres. Un set explosif, plein d'énergie, mené par MONSIEUR Jacob Porter, ce frontman de feu, qui a visiblement choisi l'humour et l'ironie en se pointant avec une magnifique chemise manches courtes à fleurs accompagné du short slim court noir de rigueur, contrastant évidemment avec les 98% de personnes vêtues de noir présentes au fest. Il commençait déjà à faire assez chaud, ces messieurs en ont allègrement rajouté, Jacob se mouvant dans tout les sens, complètement hanté par sa musique, n'hésitant pas par ailleurs à ouvrir sa chemise, ce qui lui aura valu quelques remarques négatives de la part de spectateurs très sensibles qui ont vu cet acte d'un mauvais œil, mais juré, il n'y avait pas de machisme dans l'air, juste de la spontanéité et de la sueur. Autant je ne suis vraiment pas fan de leur tout dernier 7", Kakotopia, qui a perdu tout son côté "spacey" à mon sens, autant il rend 10000 fois mieux en live. MERCI messieurs, j'espère vous revoir au plus vite, oh oui !
À peine ce set génial était-il fini, que moi et l'autre petite pote présente avec moi pour ce fest nous sommes précipités au Basement pour voir un groupe qu'elle ne voulaît absolument pas rater et que je ne connaissais pas de nom : La Petite Mort / Little Death. Je me demande toujours pourquoi le groupe a choisi de se répéter dans son nom, mais c'est pas très important au final, car leur musique était tout aussi surprenante. Entre post-hardcore plein de tension, screamo cathartique nourri à hautes doses de mélodies, et le flow impressionnant du frontman/guitariste, le jeune trio s'est démené pour nous offrir un set également plein de surprises pour quiconque ne connaissait pas encore leur musique, ce qui fût mon cas. Et hop, une petite découverte en plus, merci Mélanie ! Et ce n'est pas fini, car un autre petit groupe allait jouer sur la minuscule scène 20 minutes plus tard : Scared Of Everything. Dans le line-up de ce groupe anglais figure Steffen, guitariste chez Solanas, un autre groupe anglais de screamo qui aurait mangé de la cold-wave sur son chemin dont je vous parlerais bientôt. Eh bien avant que le set de Scared Of Everything ne commence, ce monsieur m'a offert une tape du dernier EP de ce groupe, comme ça, pour le plaisir. Ça m'a franchement fait plaisir et presque intimidé, je fus joie et félicité ! J'avais totalement oublié qu'il jouait dans SOE... Agréable surprise de le voir dans le line-up de ce groupe qui a tout simplement remporté l'award des meilleurs t-shirts de groupes : Steff portait un t-shirt Cassus, leur batteur avait un t-shirt de Tool, et le chanteur avait ce FANTASTIQUE t-shirt de xDEVOURx, soit l'un des meilleurs groupes de metalcore straight-edge au monde, avec écrit au dos un glorieux et agressif "DEATH TO FALSE METALCORE", prends ça dans ta gueule le fan de Parkway Drive, suce ta whey et bois de l'eau minérale ! Bref, assez d'élucubrations, le set de Scared Of Everything, c'était LE screamo. Sérieusement, je me suis cru dans ces vieux live d'il y a 10-15 de groupes comme Saetia, ou le groupe et la foule ne font qu'un, hurlant tous à l'unisson, au bord des larmes, avec un frontman qui n'hésite pas à foncer dans le public (je l'ai appris à mes dépends, mais pas de problème dude c'est cool !). Une énergie et une communication avec le public au sommet, une prestation d'une intensité assez folle, la meilleure manière de se faire découvrir. Un grand bravo messieurs, et encore un bisou, Steff.
BIEN. Ça fait déjà un paquet de beaux concerts, et je suis toujours autant frustré que Sport ne soit pas de la partie... Mais c'est encore loin d'être fini ! On file vite vers la Mainstage pour voir ce qui sera le dernier set, genre le toute dernier ever, de What Price, Wonderland?, petite légende de la scène UK, en plus d'être des copains des grands patrons de la soirée, j'ai nommé Raein. Avec eux, on est clairement dans un registre post-hardcore dans lequel semble s'être spécialisée la scène anglaise via des groupes tous aussi fantastiques les uns les autres, tels que Human Hands, Plaids, Carson Wells ou encore une fois Crows-An-Wra. Du math-rock enjoué par ci, un ton confident entre deux cassures rythmiques par-là, des riffs totalement skramz par surprise... Et c'était propre, net, sans bavure ! Un dernier concert au top de la part d'un groupe que pas mal de personnes découvraient ce soir-là. De plus, leur merch était au rabais, une petite queue s'était formée devant leur stand pour leur chopper les derniers LPs et t-shirts qui leur restait. Une demi-heure pour prendre l'air et faire un dernier tour des distros, et voici qu'arrive messieurs dames le set de ██████... Oui oui, ce groupe n'a pas de nom ! Enfin sur Facebook, ils s'appellent "nic". Quoi qu'il en soit, il s'agit d'un groupe envoyant un crossover entre black-metal, sludge et hardcore d'un registre stellaire et épique, en témoigne le fabuleux disque qu'ils partagent avec Old Soul. La demi-heure de set qu'ils nous ont offert paraissait en durer 2 de plus, tant leur univers sonore semblait avoir arrêté le temps. Même si il y avait un peu trop de lumières et de distance avec le public à mon goût, ça n'en était pas moins puissant et prenant. La prestance du grand, TRÈS grand frontman était un petit plus.
Nous balancer autant de noirceur et de massifs sonores avant le dernier groupe de la soirée qui joue sur un registre bien plus mélodique était un peu risqué, mais c'est finalement passé crème. C'est la headline facile d'un festival emo-related, le groupe culte de la scène de ces 15 dernières années , le groupe à voir au moins une fois dans sa vie : RAEIN !
Nous balancer autant de noirceur et de massifs sonores avant le dernier groupe de la soirée qui joue sur un registre bien plus mélodique était un peu risqué, mais c'est finalement passé crème. C'est la headline facile d'un festival emo-related, le groupe culte de la scène de ces 15 dernières années , le groupe à voir au moins une fois dans sa vie : RAEIN !
Les papas, toujours au top de leur forme, sont venus jouer les morceaux issus de leur période "adulte", loin de Il N'y A Pas De Orchestre, celle où le rythme est plus tranquille et serein, mais où la tension et la colère sont toujours vifs, des morceaux de Sulla Linera d'Orizzonte [...], de Perpetuum. Ils ont également interprété le titre "Comete", présent sur le split avec Ampere sorti cette année et qu'ils jouaient pourtant plusieurs mois auparavant, Et évidemment, leur tube ultime, le fameux "Tigersuit", bien timidement accueilli par le public ! Mais ça n'a pas freiné les italiens, qui paraissaient moins dans leur bulle que la dernière fois où je les ai vu, en 2014 à Paris. C'est avec un petit accent festif, des sourires et du riff que s'est déroulé ce dernier show, clôturant la troisième édition d'un festival qui va toujours plus haut, toujours au-dessus de ses promesses.
Un petit festival punk sans prétentions bien trop beau pour ne pas y aller l'année prochaine, c'est ainsi que je peux le résumer le plus brièvement possible, d'autant plus lorsque le soleil y brille. J'arrive pas à trouver un reproche... Bah, le Basement est un peu trop petit, mais hey, c'est les règles du jeu habituelles des caves de bar, c'est fidèle à notre quotidien ;) . Puis bon, un son si propre pour une si petite superficie, c'est quand même assez fabuleux. Aucun reproche possible au final, c'est juste du bon temps, de la bonne musique, les vacances, les vraies. Un grand merci à Alex et toutes les personnes qui l'ont aidé, et rendez-vous est déjà pris pour l'année prochaine !
▶ Mon report de la première journée du fest, c'est par ici !
1100 km by bus is very tiring. 14 hours sitting on a hardly adjustable seat, be awakened every 3 hours by the bus driver because it's required by law (if you succeeded to sleep), I'm sorry but this is extremely tiring . But it wasn't enough for me and my travel companion (coucou David!) to discourage us, we stayed awake throughout the first day of Miss The Stars Fest, until 3 am, and the next day we had to wake up at 10 am because we planned to walk to the nearest Goodies for lunch, and then go to the Bis Aufs Messer store. Some say "damn, what a marathon", I'd just say: YOLO. We sleep when we're dead yo, you have to live the little time you have at maximum, and we did it. Some new records in our bags and with a full stomach, and we were ready to live the second day of the fest, which began with the concert of They Sleep We Live... But we have only seen their last song. These gentlemen remind us a screamo somewhat old school, with a crust-influenced hoarse cry, instrumental passages between melancholy and slow, but intense explosions. Their only release available to date is called "And the curtains falls ...", a song which appears on a 7"split with Vi Som Älskade Varandra Sa Mycket. The few things I heard of the band was enough to make me want to hear more songs!
The dudes who played after the young German band have quietly but surely made their reputation in their scene, and they come from Belgium. This country to whom we owe Isaiah, Amen Ra, The Black Heart Rebellion... We will now thank him for Mont-Doré. The quintet has fun to build deconstruct their musical universe, tracing brittle and rough paths, has also fun to surprising us. Above all, they apply to make their music ever more personal and introspective. Their concerts and music are in complete alchemy, cleverly mixing visuals and sounds. drowning us into bright red and deep black, the band played us some songs from his crushing new album, Fractures, Blending screamo, neo-crust, Botch-style groovy and chaotic post-hardcore, and even some black metal accents. A melting pot of spellbinding darkness, and even demanding, supported by these colors as captivating as oppressive. The frontman was literally folded in 4 to tell us his words, as close as possible to the audience, screaming to the deepest of his vocal cords, finishing the set with knees on the ground. A gig which directly put us in the thick of it, a big concrete block in our faces which We Had A Deal had the difficult task to be theo play next band to play. The German trio wasn't born to the last rain, and knows how to make the crowd move with his screamo-tinged melodic hardcore, fed by some samples. Their frontman is pretty impressive in its way of fixing the public (or fix the void, we don't know), with his enthusiasm, which fits well with the combative and posi spirit of the music of his band, a kinda standard sound but still punchy and strong. what allowed us to stay in good shape, although a transition to food stands was necessary... But we unfortunately missed the last European show of the swedish band Careless... It was a choice to do, as we didn't want to miss anything of the rest of the evening. Fuck choices.
Because the best was yet to come: Crows-An-Wra. AAAAAH, I SAW CROWS-AN-WRA AND IT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD. Seriously, Kalopsia was almost the best album of 2014, this kinda progressive screamo from outer space with all the madness voice of singer buried under tons of reverb and deluxe skill of guitarist Gregory Milne from defunct bands Crocus and Ravachol (a mate has talk to Gregory after the show and he told him something new about Ravachol after the concert of Crows-an-Wra but shhh, I let them do the job :D), these ultra-dancing and brittle rhythmics at the same time, plus that little At The Drive-In, that exists nowhere else, damn this is insane! And they have correctly held their rank. An explosive set, full of energy, led by Jacob Porter, probably the best frontman of the fest which has obviously chosen the humor and irony by wearing a beautiful short-sleeved floral shirt accompanied by the conventional black slim short, obviously contrasting with 98% of dressed-in-black people present at the fest. It was already getting warm enough, but these gentlemen cheerfully added warmth, Jacob moving in all directions, completely obsessed with his music, not hesitating to also open his shirt, which will have earned some negative remarks from very sensitive viewers who saw this act of an evil eye, but I swear there was no machismo in the air, just the spontaneity and sweat. As much as I'm not really a fan of their latest 7" Kakotopia, who lost all his "spacey" side in my opinion, he's 10,000 times better live. THANK YOU DUDES, I hope to see you soon, oooh yes!
So, it's been already a pack of beautiful concerts, and I'm always so frustrated that Sport isn't in... But it's far from over! We went quickly to the Mainstage to see what will be the final set, like the very last ever, of What Price, Wonderland ?, little legend of the UK scene, in addition to being buddies of the big bosses of the evening, the almighty Raein. With them, we are clearly in a post-hardcore thing in which seems English scene seems to be specialized, via some fantastic bands such as Human Hands, Plaids, Carson Wells or again Crows-An-Wra. Some playful math-rock, a confident tone between two ryhthmic brittles here and there, completely surprise skramz riffs... and it was clean and flawless! A final concert at the top from a band that a lot of people found out only that night. Moreover, their merch was cheap, a small tail had formed in front of their stand for trying to grab their latest LPs and t-shirts they had left. We had half an hour to get some air and do a final round through distros, and ladies and gentlemen, here comes thz set of ██████... Yes, this band has no name! On Facebook, they are called "nic". Anyway, this is a band sending a crossover between black-metal, sludge and hardcore in a stellar and epic way. Remember this fabulous record they shared with Old Soul... The half-hour set they offered seemed to last for 2 hours, as their sound world seemed to have stopped time. Although there was a bit too much lights and distance with the public for my taste, it wasn't less powerful and addictive. The presence of big, VERY big frontman was a bonus.
Throwing as much darkness and massive sound before the last band of the evening who plays a much more melodic thing was a little rough, but it's finally 100% passed. This is the easy headline of an emo-related festival, the cult band of the scene of the last 15 years, the band to see at least once in his life: RAEIN! The modern emo dads, always in full health, came to play tracks from their "adult" period, far from Il N'y A Pas De Orchestre, one where the pace is quiet and serene, but when the voltage and anger are still alive, they played songs of Sulla Linera of Orizzonte [...], and Perpetuum. They also performed the great song "Comete", from the split with Ampere released last year. And of course, their ultimate hit, the famous "Tigersuit", welcomed by a pretty shy audience. But that hasn't stopped the Italian skramzers, who seemed least in their spirit bubble that the last time that I saw them in 2014 in Paris. It's a little festive accent, smiles and riffs that took place for this last show, closing the third edition of a festival that will go ever higher, still above its promises.
A little punk festival without any pretentions, way too beautiful for missing it next year, that is how I can sum it up as briefly as possible. I can't find a reproach ... Maybe the Basement is a bit too small, but hey, that's the rules of the usual game of bar cellars, it's true to our punkroutine ;). And a sound as clean for a small area, it's still pretty fabulous. Why the fuck trying to find a reproach, It's just a good time, good music, the holidays, the true ones. A big big big thanks to Alex and all those who helped him, and rendez-vous is already taken for next year!
▶ You can read the first part of the report by clicking just here !
1100 km by bus is very tiring. 14 hours sitting on a hardly adjustable seat, be awakened every 3 hours by the bus driver because it's required by law (if you succeeded to sleep), I'm sorry but this is extremely tiring . But it wasn't enough for me and my travel companion (coucou David!) to discourage us, we stayed awake throughout the first day of Miss The Stars Fest, until 3 am, and the next day we had to wake up at 10 am because we planned to walk to the nearest Goodies for lunch, and then go to the Bis Aufs Messer store. Some say "damn, what a marathon", I'd just say: YOLO. We sleep when we're dead yo, you have to live the little time you have at maximum, and we did it. Some new records in our bags and with a full stomach, and we were ready to live the second day of the fest, which began with the concert of They Sleep We Live... But we have only seen their last song. These gentlemen remind us a screamo somewhat old school, with a crust-influenced hoarse cry, instrumental passages between melancholy and slow, but intense explosions. Their only release available to date is called "And the curtains falls ...", a song which appears on a 7"split with Vi Som Älskade Varandra Sa Mycket. The few things I heard of the band was enough to make me want to hear more songs!
The dudes who played after the young German band have quietly but surely made their reputation in their scene, and they come from Belgium. This country to whom we owe Isaiah, Amen Ra, The Black Heart Rebellion... We will now thank him for Mont-Doré. The quintet has fun to build deconstruct their musical universe, tracing brittle and rough paths, has also fun to surprising us. Above all, they apply to make their music ever more personal and introspective. Their concerts and music are in complete alchemy, cleverly mixing visuals and sounds. drowning us into bright red and deep black, the band played us some songs from his crushing new album, Fractures, Blending screamo, neo-crust, Botch-style groovy and chaotic post-hardcore, and even some black metal accents. A melting pot of spellbinding darkness, and even demanding, supported by these colors as captivating as oppressive. The frontman was literally folded in 4 to tell us his words, as close as possible to the audience, screaming to the deepest of his vocal cords, finishing the set with knees on the ground. A gig which directly put us in the thick of it, a big concrete block in our faces which We Had A Deal had the difficult task to be theo play next band to play. The German trio wasn't born to the last rain, and knows how to make the crowd move with his screamo-tinged melodic hardcore, fed by some samples. Their frontman is pretty impressive in its way of fixing the public (or fix the void, we don't know), with his enthusiasm, which fits well with the combative and posi spirit of the music of his band, a kinda standard sound but still punchy and strong. what allowed us to stay in good shape, although a transition to food stands was necessary... But we unfortunately missed the last European show of the swedish band Careless... It was a choice to do, as we didn't want to miss anything of the rest of the evening. Fuck choices.
Because the best was yet to come: Crows-An-Wra. AAAAAH, I SAW CROWS-AN-WRA AND IT WAS SO FUCKING GOOD. Seriously, Kalopsia was almost the best album of 2014, this kinda progressive screamo from outer space with all the madness voice of singer buried under tons of reverb and deluxe skill of guitarist Gregory Milne from defunct bands Crocus and Ravachol (a mate has talk to Gregory after the show and he told him something new about Ravachol after the concert of Crows-an-Wra but shhh, I let them do the job :D), these ultra-dancing and brittle rhythmics at the same time, plus that little At The Drive-In, that exists nowhere else, damn this is insane! And they have correctly held their rank. An explosive set, full of energy, led by Jacob Porter, probably the best frontman of the fest which has obviously chosen the humor and irony by wearing a beautiful short-sleeved floral shirt accompanied by the conventional black slim short, obviously contrasting with 98% of dressed-in-black people present at the fest. It was already getting warm enough, but these gentlemen cheerfully added warmth, Jacob moving in all directions, completely obsessed with his music, not hesitating to also open his shirt, which will have earned some negative remarks from very sensitive viewers who saw this act of an evil eye, but I swear there was no machismo in the air, just the spontaneity and sweat. As much as I'm not really a fan of their latest 7" Kakotopia, who lost all his "spacey" side in my opinion, he's 10,000 times better live. THANK YOU DUDES, I hope to see you soon, oooh yes!
This awesome set was just finished, that me and the other little dudette present with me for this fest rushed to the Basement to see a band she absolutely not want to miss and that I only knew by name: La Petite Mort / Little Death. I always wonder why they chose to repeat their name, but it's not very important in the end because their music was just surprising and wonderful. Between post-hardcore full of tension, cathartic screamo fed with high doses of melodies and the impressive flow of frontman / guitarist, the young trio has struggled to offer us a set also full of surprises for anyone who didn't yet know their music, which this was my case. And hey, one more discovery, thank you Melanie! And it's not over because another small band was playing on the tiny stage 20 minutes later: Scared Of Everything. In the line-up of this English band appears Steffen, guitarist in Solanas, another English screamo band that have eaten cold-wave on its way (I'll tell you some words about them soon). Well, before the Scared Of Everything set, this dude gave me a tape of the last EP of this main band, like that, for pleasure. It made me frankly pleased and almost intimidated, I was joy and happiness! I had completely forgotten he was playing in SOE ... Pleasant surprise to see him in the line-up of this band that has just won the award of the best band shirts of the fest : Steff wore a Cassus shirt, their drummer had a Tool shirt, and the singer had this FANTASTIC xDEVOURx shirt, one of the best straight-edge metalcore bands in the world, with a glorious and aggressive "DEATH TO FALSE METALCORE" written in the back. Take it in your mouth, Parkway Drive fans, suck your whey and drink mineral water! Anyway, enough weird things, the set of Scared Of Everything was THE screamo. Seriously, I thought I was in those old lives like 10-15 years ago, in gigs of bands like Saetia, where bands and the crowd are one, screaming in unison, in tears, with a frontman who doesn't hesitate to charge into the audience (I learned it at my expense, but no problem dude, it's cool!). An energy and communication with the public at the top, crazy intensity, the best way to get discovered. Well done gentlemen, and once again, bisous Steff.
So, it's been already a pack of beautiful concerts, and I'm always so frustrated that Sport isn't in... But it's far from over! We went quickly to the Mainstage to see what will be the final set, like the very last ever, of What Price, Wonderland ?, little legend of the UK scene, in addition to being buddies of the big bosses of the evening, the almighty Raein. With them, we are clearly in a post-hardcore thing in which seems English scene seems to be specialized, via some fantastic bands such as Human Hands, Plaids, Carson Wells or again Crows-An-Wra. Some playful math-rock, a confident tone between two ryhthmic brittles here and there, completely surprise skramz riffs... and it was clean and flawless! A final concert at the top from a band that a lot of people found out only that night. Moreover, their merch was cheap, a small tail had formed in front of their stand for trying to grab their latest LPs and t-shirts they had left. We had half an hour to get some air and do a final round through distros, and ladies and gentlemen, here comes thz set of ██████... Yes, this band has no name! On Facebook, they are called "nic". Anyway, this is a band sending a crossover between black-metal, sludge and hardcore in a stellar and epic way. Remember this fabulous record they shared with Old Soul... The half-hour set they offered seemed to last for 2 hours, as their sound world seemed to have stopped time. Although there was a bit too much lights and distance with the public for my taste, it wasn't less powerful and addictive. The presence of big, VERY big frontman was a bonus.
Throwing as much darkness and massive sound before the last band of the evening who plays a much more melodic thing was a little rough, but it's finally 100% passed. This is the easy headline of an emo-related festival, the cult band of the scene of the last 15 years, the band to see at least once in his life: RAEIN! The modern emo dads, always in full health, came to play tracks from their "adult" period, far from Il N'y A Pas De Orchestre, one where the pace is quiet and serene, but when the voltage and anger are still alive, they played songs of Sulla Linera of Orizzonte [...], and Perpetuum. They also performed the great song "Comete", from the split with Ampere released last year. And of course, their ultimate hit, the famous "Tigersuit", welcomed by a pretty shy audience. But that hasn't stopped the Italian skramzers, who seemed least in their spirit bubble that the last time that I saw them in 2014 in Paris. It's a little festive accent, smiles and riffs that took place for this last show, closing the third edition of a festival that will go ever higher, still above its promises.
A little punk festival without any pretentions, way too beautiful for missing it next year, that is how I can sum it up as briefly as possible. I can't find a reproach ... Maybe the Basement is a bit too small, but hey, that's the rules of the usual game of bar cellars, it's true to our punkroutine ;). And a sound as clean for a small area, it's still pretty fabulous. Why the fuck trying to find a reproach, It's just a good time, good music, the holidays, the true ones. A big big big thanks to Alex and all those who helped him, and rendez-vous is already taken for next year!
▶ You can read the first part of the report by clicking just here !
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