J'aimerais vraiment être au chômage juste pour pouvoir passer mes journées à écrire sur ce que j'écoute. Déjà, j'arrive pas mal à me débrouiller, mais ça me semble encore bien juste t'sais. Ouais, en fait j'ai juste envie de quitter mon taff aussi. Toujours entrain de ruminer sur le fait qu'il m'emmerde, mais c'est pas simple de repartir de zéro, ne serait-ce que d'affronter l'idée quand c'est encore ton premier taff; Y'a aussi le fait est que tu perds un CDI, que tu perds aussi un peu de thunes, potentiellement. Enfin bref, toujours est-il que je réussis à vous écrire à peu près autant qu'avant, et ça c'est cool. Voilà encore plein de groupes cool pour vous permettre de pas en avoir trop marre de votre quotidien à votre tour. Fin du travail, vie magique. Ah ouais, et vive les graines de tournesol !
I really would like to be unemployed just to be able to spend my days writing about what I'm listening to. I already manage to get by, but it still seems not enough to me, you know. Yeah, actually I just want to quit my job too. Always ruminating on the fact that it annoys me and doing nothing, but it's not easy to start from zero, just the fact alone to face the idea, when that job was the first one you had and that it's now 7 years and some months that you are there. There's also the fact that you are losing a full-time job, you also lose a little money, potentially. Anyway, I'm now writing on there almost as much as before, and that's cool. So, here are plenty of cool bands to help you not get too fed up with your daily life. End of work, magical life. Oh, and sunflower seeds forever.
J'en ai pas encore parlé je crois, je sais plus. En tout cas pas sur le blog en lui-même. IRE viennent de Toulouse, Les personnes qui constituent ce groupe ont une trentaine d'années d'activisme punk et politique derrière elles et sont encore déterminées, et c'est grosso modo une mutation de BIRDIE STEPTOE, qui était VRAIMENT dans un bail FUGAZI-esque. Ils ont un peu changé de style, rendant leur musique plus simple, plus catchy, peut être plus proche de l'emo à proprement parler d'ailleurs. Ils ont sorti sous leur nouvelle formule une démo en mai 2018, c'est aussi rempli de tension que les sons de BIRDIE STEPTOE, mais une tension exprimée avec un chant constamment déclamé, sur des riffs plus tranchants, moins alambiqués, ça va un peu plus à l'essentiel.
"Que m'importe si j'adhère à la philosophie du désordre. Je regarde d'un œil mort s'échouer les donneurs d'ordres, aux traces de poudre sur le visage, dernier vestige d'un pays 'sage'."
I don't know if I had a word about it here, maybe on Facebook? IRE are from Toulouse, the people involved in this band have thirty years of punk and political activism behind them and are still determined, and this is the mutation of BIRDIE STEPTOE, who REALLY were into a FUGAZI worship. They have changed their style a bit, making their music simpler, more catchy, maybe closer to the actual emo sound. They released a demo in May 2018 under their new formula, it's as full of tension as the BIRDIE STEPTOE sound, but a tension expressed with constantly declaimed vocals on sharper, less convoluted riffs, it all goes a little more straight to the point.
I don't know if I had a word about it here, maybe on Facebook? IRE are from Toulouse, the people involved in this band have thirty years of punk and political activism behind them and are still determined, and this is the mutation of BIRDIE STEPTOE, who REALLY were into a FUGAZI worship. They have changed their style a bit, making their music simpler, more catchy, maybe closer to the actual emo sound. They released a demo in May 2018 under their new formula, it's as full of tension as the BIRDIE STEPTOE sound, but a tension expressed with constantly declaimed vocals on sharper, less convoluted riffs, it all goes a little more straight to the point.
Ben d'ailleurs, au moment d'écrire cet article, IRE vient de sortir une pré-prod de leur prochain disque. Ça s'appelle "D'un sommeil sans trêve", elle sera présente sur un LP nommé Devant Nous, Les Naufrages qui devrait sortir quelque part ce printemps, et c'est tout aussi cool que cette petite démo...
Oh, while I'm writing these lines, IRE has just released a pre-prod of their next records. It's called "D'un sommeil sans trêve", it will be featured on a LP named Devant Nous, Les Naufrages, that should be released somewhere this spring, and it's just as cool as their demo...
Les meilleures choses sont parfois les plus simples, askip. Bah, c'est pas faux selon les situations : QUENTIN SAUVÉ, c'est basiquement le retour de THROW ME OFF THE BRIDGE à sa formule initiale : en solo. Sur 9 titres empreints de délicatesse, d'élégance, d'une simplicité et d'une sincérité déconcertante, il se confie sur sa peur de pas être assez présent quand il le faut, sur ses instants de solitude, il raconte comment l'amour peut-être un refuge quand on est loin des sien-ne-s : si "love is political", il se trouve aussi que "love is home", effectivement. La vibe très aérienne, quasi post-rock, distillée sur sa musique ajoute vraiment à la douceur de l'ensemble, ça prête encore davantage au laisser-aller, au voyage. C'est un chouette moment d'intimité, reposant et rassurant. Si vous aimez CITY AND COLOUR, aucune hésitation : foncez.
Some says the best things are sometimes the simplest. Well, it's not wrong depending on the situation: QUENTIN SAUVÉ is basically the return of THROW ME OFF THE BRIDGE to its initial formula: solo. On 9 songs imbued with delicacy, elegance, simplicity and a disconcerting sincerity, he confides on his fear of not being present enough for his loved ones when it's necessary, on his moments of solitude, he tells how love can be a refuge when we are far away from everyone : if "love is political", then "love is home", actually. The very airy, almost post-rockish vibe distilled on his music really adds to the sweetness of the whole, it tends us even more to let everything go, to let our mind travel. It's a nice moment of intimacy, relaxing and reassuring. If you like CITY AND COLOR, no hesitation: go for it.
Some says the best things are sometimes the simplest. Well, it's not wrong depending on the situation: QUENTIN SAUVÉ is basically the return of THROW ME OFF THE BRIDGE to its initial formula: solo. On 9 songs imbued with delicacy, elegance, simplicity and a disconcerting sincerity, he confides on his fear of not being present enough for his loved ones when it's necessary, on his moments of solitude, he tells how love can be a refuge when we are far away from everyone : if "love is political", then "love is home", actually. The very airy, almost post-rockish vibe distilled on his music really adds to the sweetness of the whole, it tends us even more to let everything go, to let our mind travel. It's a nice moment of intimacy, relaxing and reassuring. If you like CITY AND COLOR, no hesitation: go for it.
C'est probablement l'une de mes surprises préférées de ce début d'année : OVERO, c'est le nouveau side-project de 2 membres de FOOTBALL ETC. et un membre de PERFECT FUTURE. Iels ont mis en ligne leurs 2 premiers titres, et c'est pas mal inspiré par l’écurie Ebullition Records, YAPHET KOTTO en première ligne. C'est chouette d'entendre la voix de Lindsay sur des mélodies tantôt délicates, tantôt transcendées par un screamo/post-hardcore intense mais toujours aussi lumineux. À suivre de près !
This is probably one of my favorite surprises from the beginning of the year: OVERO is the new side-project of 2 members of FOOTBALL ETC. and a member of PERFECT FUTURE. They posted their first two songs online, and it's pretty much inspired by the Ebullition Records bands, YAPHET KOTTO especially. It's nice to hear Lindsay's voice on delicate melodies, transcended by an intense but always bright screamo / post-hardcore. Yep, here's a new band to follow closely!
• SHIN GUARD - 2020
OK, ce truc est d'un autre niveau. Leur bio est on ne peut plus explicite : “if you could choose to play in a screamo band in Guitar Hero III, that band would be Shin Guard”. À vrai dire, SHIN GUARD n'était pas vraiment un groupe destiné à balancer un maelstrom de riffs héroïques, à la base : leur précédent album, encore très récent, nommé Cerebral, lorgnant beaucoup plus du côté de PIANOS BECOME THE TEETH période Old Pride / The Lack Long After, de LA DISPUTE ou de TOUCHE AMORE. Mais avec 2020, le groupe a choisi de foncer tête baissée dans le futur. Par je ne sais quel déclic, et sûrement aussi grâce à leur nouvelle guitariste, iels ont décidé de faire muter leur musique en un screamo overdosé avec du shred, du chorus, des riffs mémorables, un ensemble plus agressif, pas mal influencé sasscore, mais avec quand même quelques éléments qui rappellent Cerebral : les spoken words, les influs PBTT qui restent...
Mais vraiment, c'est assez fou, toute cette puissance qui se dégage de cet album. On dirait une fusion ultime entre la densité du son de CEASE UPON THE CAPITOL, la force émotionnelle et la frappe de batterie de PORTRAITS OF PAST, et les influences goth et metal de STATE FAULTS. On a même le droit à un gros breakdown de la mort sur "Spears". Ça ressemble finalement peu à ce qu'on peut appeler "screamo" en Europe, mais pas mal à l'idée que les kids américain-e-s s'en font. Et dans leur scène, ça me parait clairement au-dessus de la mêlée cette année... Un disque singulier, presque fun à écouter, et n'ayant pas peur des mots : grandiose. L'une des personnes du groupe, Owen (guitare / chant) commentait un post où je demandais quel groupe pouvait bien sonner précisément comme SHIN GUARD, et il m'a répondu "honestly just listen to a LOT of opera and then imagine heavy guitars", bah c'est quand même une synthèse assez pertinente de leur musique. Je lui disais aussi que certains moments de leur album, et surtout le titre "You Will Be Held Accountable For Your Actions", me font beaucoup penser à "Trilogy 0" de LOMA PRIETA, et je me souviens d'une conversation que j'avais eu avec une personne lors de la sortie du 7" où ce morceau figure avec "Love", qui me disait que le dernier riff de "Trilogy 0" reprenait une mélodie d'un compositeur de musique classique, je ne sais plus quelle compo, quel compositeur... Marrant cette coïncidence.
OK, this thing is on another level. Their Facebook bio can't be more explicit: “if you could choose to play in a screamo band in Guitar Hero III, that band would be Shin Guard”. SHIN GUARD wasn't really a band which intended to deliver a maelstrom of heroic riffs, at first: their previous album, still very recent, named Cerebral, sounded much more like Old Pride / The Lack Long After era PIANOS BECOME THE TEETH, LA DISPUTE or TOUCHE AMORE. But with 2020, the group has chosen to go headlong into the actual future. By some click, and surely also thanks to their new guitarist, they decided to load their music with shreds, chorus effects, memorable riffs, a more aggressive tone and rhythm, with some sasscore influences, but always with elements reminiscent of Cerebral: the spoken words, the PBTT influences...
But really, it's pretty crazy, all the power that emerges from this album. It looks like an ultimate fusion of CEASE UPON THE CAPITOL's sound density, PORTRAITS OF PAST's emotional strength and drumming, with STATE FAULTS's most epic, metal and gothic moments. There's even a huge-ass breakdown on "Spears". It doesn't look like what we call "screamo" in Europe at all, but in their local scene, they are clearly on top... A singular record, almost fun to listen to, and let's not be afraid of words: grandiose. One of the people that plays in the band, Owen (guitar / vocals), was commenting on a post where I asked which band could sound exactly like SHIN GUARD, and they said "honestly just listen to a LOT of opera and then imagine heavy guitars", Well, it's still a pretty relevant synthesis of their music. I also told him that some moments of their album, and especially the song "You Will Be Held Accountable For Your Actions", make me think a lot of "Trilogy 0" by LOMA PRIETA, and I remember a conversation that I had with a person who told me that the last riff of" Trilogy 0" ripped off a melody of a classical music composer, I don't remember what composition, which composer... But great coincidence!
OK, this thing is on another level. Their Facebook bio can't be more explicit: “if you could choose to play in a screamo band in Guitar Hero III, that band would be Shin Guard”. SHIN GUARD wasn't really a band which intended to deliver a maelstrom of heroic riffs, at first: their previous album, still very recent, named Cerebral, sounded much more like Old Pride / The Lack Long After era PIANOS BECOME THE TEETH, LA DISPUTE or TOUCHE AMORE. But with 2020, the group has chosen to go headlong into the actual future. By some click, and surely also thanks to their new guitarist, they decided to load their music with shreds, chorus effects, memorable riffs, a more aggressive tone and rhythm, with some sasscore influences, but always with elements reminiscent of Cerebral: the spoken words, the PBTT influences...
But really, it's pretty crazy, all the power that emerges from this album. It looks like an ultimate fusion of CEASE UPON THE CAPITOL's sound density, PORTRAITS OF PAST's emotional strength and drumming, with STATE FAULTS's most epic, metal and gothic moments. There's even a huge-ass breakdown on "Spears". It doesn't look like what we call "screamo" in Europe at all, but in their local scene, they are clearly on top... A singular record, almost fun to listen to, and let's not be afraid of words: grandiose. One of the people that plays in the band, Owen (guitar / vocals), was commenting on a post where I asked which band could sound exactly like SHIN GUARD, and they said "honestly just listen to a LOT of opera and then imagine heavy guitars", Well, it's still a pretty relevant synthesis of their music. I also told him that some moments of their album, and especially the song "You Will Be Held Accountable For Your Actions", make me think a lot of "Trilogy 0" by LOMA PRIETA, and I remember a conversation that I had with a person who told me that the last riff of" Trilogy 0" ripped off a melody of a classical music composer, I don't remember what composition, which composer... But great coincidence!
Il avait été posté en streaming par erreur le mois dernier, j'ai eu le temps de l'écouter et j'étais heureux.se comme tout, tellement il est bien. Je suis hyper content-e de pouvoir vous en parler pour de vrai : avec Dark Clouds, SECRET SMOKER reste fidèle à la formule magique de son premier album, Terminal Architecture, qui consiste en un punk/hardcore bien ancré dans l'emo/post-hardcore des 90's aussi virulent et tendu que très mélodique et chaleureux. C'est plus ou moins la formule des groupes emo-punk de chez No Idea Records (surtout HOT WATER MUSIC et SMALL BROWN BIKE) appliquée à des influences à aller chercher, naturellement, chez Dischord ou Gravity Records, ou bien chez des groupes comme FOUR HUNDRED YEARS. C'est un disque qui vous rappellera tout vos classiques de cette scène, un worship exécuté avec une classe sans pareille, un disque plein de gros tubes, sur lesquels j'espère un jour faire du sing-along en live. J'adore vraiment ce groupe, haha !
It had been streamed by mistake last month, I just had time to listen to it while doing dishes and was happy as fuck. I'm really glad to be able to talk about it for real now: with Dark Clouds, SECRET SMOKER remains faithful to the magic formula of their first album, Terminal Architecture, which consists of a punk / hardcore well anchored in 90's emo / post-hardcore as virulent and tense, as very melodic and warm. This is more or less the formula of the emo-punk bands from No Idea Records (especially HOT WATER MUSIC and SMALL BROWN BIKE) applied with other influences to find, naturally, on Dischord or Gravity Records, or through bands like FOUR HUNDRED YEARS. This is a record that will remind you of all your classics of this scene, on the best worship of that era of the emo scene since a very long time, a record full of big hits. I really love this band, and I hope to be able to catch them live one day!
It had been streamed by mistake last month, I just had time to listen to it while doing dishes and was happy as fuck. I'm really glad to be able to talk about it for real now: with Dark Clouds, SECRET SMOKER remains faithful to the magic formula of their first album, Terminal Architecture, which consists of a punk / hardcore well anchored in 90's emo / post-hardcore as virulent and tense, as very melodic and warm. This is more or less the formula of the emo-punk bands from No Idea Records (especially HOT WATER MUSIC and SMALL BROWN BIKE) applied with other influences to find, naturally, on Dischord or Gravity Records, or through bands like FOUR HUNDRED YEARS. This is a record that will remind you of all your classics of this scene, on the best worship of that era of the emo scene since a very long time, a record full of big hits. I really love this band, and I hope to be able to catch them live one day!
Trop bien, les voilà déjà de retour ! Le mois dernier, je vous avais parlé de KAFKA, ce groupe de screamo tchèque qui chante exclusivement en français avec de chouettes textes (vous pouvez lire ma review juste ici). Ils reviennent avec 2 morceaux encore meilleurs que ceux de la démo sortie en Mai 2018, qui devaient à l'origine figurer sur un split qui ne verra pas le jour. C'est toujours du screamo de haute qualité, avec des paroles qui me touchent en plein coeur, toujours d'un français frappant de justesse pour une personne qui parle le tchèque, le fait de passer de cette langue au français n'étant vraiment pas évident...
"mais ces mots m'appellent encore: “laisse la société et ses habitudes vénéneuses”
mais ces mots m'appellent encore: “cherche à te reconnaître dans l'inconnu”.
YO, they are already back! Last month, I told you about KAFKA, the Czech screamo group that sings exclusively in French, with great lyrics (you can read my review right here). They just released 2 songs, even better than those of the demo released in May 2018, which originally had to appear on a split that will not see the day. It's always high-quality screamo, with lyrics that touched me right in the heart, always an awesome French for a person who speaks Czech, knowing that passing from this language to French is really not obvious...
"mais ces mots m'appellent encore: “laisse la société et ses habitudes vénéneuses”
mais ces mots m'appellent encore: “cherche à te reconnaître dans l'inconnu”.
YO, they are already back! Last month, I told you about KAFKA, the Czech screamo group that sings exclusively in French, with great lyrics (you can read my review right here). They just released 2 songs, even better than those of the demo released in May 2018, which originally had to appear on a split that will not see the day. It's always high-quality screamo, with lyrics that touched me right in the heart, always an awesome French for a person who speaks Czech, knowing that passing from this language to French is really not obvious...